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Railway transport plays an important role in the implementation of economic relations with neighboring countries, today Uzbekison Temir Yullari JSC has a bilateral agreement on cooperation in the railway sector not only with CIS member countries, but also with foreign countries.

The Company also cooperates with the International Railway Union (UIC, France), the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific and Central Asia (UNESCO), the Central Asian Regional Economic Cooperation (CARES) within the framework of the Asian Development Association (abnki), cooperation of railway organizations (OSJD, Poland), the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO Iran), Actively cooperates with such organizations of the CIS member states as the Railway Transport Council.

The equipment of Uzbek railways with modern technical equipment, geographical location is an important connecting factor in Europe-Asia communications. It is becoming important in ensuring transport links between China, Japan and the CIS countries, Iran, Turkey and Europe. An important place in the revival of the historical Silk Road is occupied by the Republic of Uzbekistan and its railways, or, as we say in the language of railway workers, the TRACECA transport corridor, a shorter and cheaper route from Asia to Europe.

In November 2006, an intergovernmental agreement on the Trans-Siberian Railway Network was signed by the head of the Railway Administration of Uzbekistan in Busan (South Korea) during the International Conference on Transport. If we take into account the practical importance of cooperation within the framework of the trans-Siberian railways, as well as the fact that the Republic of Uzbekistan, due to its geographical location, does not have direct access to seaports, the signing of this document will contribute to improving railway transport support for foreign economic relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The participation of Uzbekistan Temir Yullari JSC in international tourism fairs, where hundreds of well-known travel companies from the Commonwealth and foreign countries were represented, is of great importance. On behalf of the company, Uztemiryulyuluche JSC demonstrates its capabilities in the field of organizing tourist transportation by rail on these trading floors. One of these possibilities is the transportation of passengers in new model passenger cars that meet all the requirements of world standards. Uzbekistan Temir Yullari JSC receives representatives of various international organizations, firms, companies, railway administrations of the CIS countries, the Baltic States and far abroad. The negotiations address issues of bilateral cooperation, organization of transportation, supply of materials and spare parts, construction of new lines and structures, investment program and many others.

Currently, the Company's serious partners are the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (Ebrr), Kfb Bank (Germany), Eximbank (PRC).At the same time, "Patentes Talgo L.S.(Spain), "Jaysmar"(France), "Plasser End Toyrer"(Austria), "CNTIC" and "CRTG"(China), "Belam"(Latvia), "Sumimoto", "Marubeni", "Shimidzu", "Kanimatsu" (Japan) and other well-known companies great interest in society.

Since the Republic of Uzbekistan is located within the region, we are trying to develop cooperation in this area, improving the quality of international transportation and reducing delivery times.

The scale of the work carried out in the company shows that Uzbekistan Temir Yullari is a reliable and stable partner in the transport services market.