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Interaction with other authorities

The years of independence have become rich in reforms in the industry. During this period, the needs of the national economy and the population in freight and passenger transportation have been fully satisfied. In terms of cargo turnover in the world, Uzbekistan is among the leading countries.

Thanks to the wise and far-sighted policy of the Head of our State, as well as large-scale reforms, the railway industry of Uzbekistan has developed quite intensively over the years of independence. Formed as a single and integral system, the railway network has expanded significantly in a short period of time by historical standards, unprecedented construction projects have been implemented, and large-scale projects have been implemented. (You can read more articles on this topic or download them here

63rd meeting of the Council on Railway Transport of the Participating States The Commonwealth was held in Tashkent on November 4-5, 2015. The Council for Railway Transport of the Commonwealth Member States and its executive body, the Directorate of the Council, were established by Agreement of the Heads of Government of the CIS member States on February 14, 1992 to ensure sustainable economic ties between the CIS countries.

The Council considers and resolves issues of railway operation, joint use and technical maintenance of freight wagons and containers, conditions of transportation of passengers and cargo, ensuring the safety of train traffic in international traffic, developing a system of accounting and mutual settlements for work and services performed, scientific and technical cooperation and others... (You can read the articles in more detail or download them here)