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Prices for commuter passenger trains of JSC “O'ztemiryo'lyo'lovchi”

Prices for commuter passenger trains of JSC “O'ztemiryo'lyo'lovchi”:

Surkhandarya region:
Fare: 6000 Soums
Additional service fee: 1000 soums
The total cost of the move:
1st zone 7000 Sum
2nd zone 13,000 Soums
3rd zone 19,000 soums

Tashkent city and Tashkent region:
Fare: 1500 Soums
Additional service fee: 3000 Soums
Total cost of moving:
1st zone 4500 Sum
2nd zone 6000 Sum
3rd zone 7500 Sum
4th zone 9000 Sum

Ferghana Valley:
Fare: 2000 soums
Additional service fee: 3000 Soums
Total cost of moving:
1st zone 5000 sum
2nd zone 7000 Sum
3rd zone 9000 Sum
4th zone 11000 Sum

Note: The area is the distance traveled by a commuter passenger train along a 36 km long track.