As you know, one of the positive works carried out in the field to prevent corruption and the human factor was the introduction of a system for selling tickets electronically (through a special site or mobile application).
For reference: 10 million in 2024 by the Joint-Stock Company” “O‘ztemiryo‘lyo‘lovchi”. the passenger was transported, and 72% of tickets were purchased electronically. In order to prevent queues and corruption in ticket purchases, a system has also been launched that allows passengers to shop through a special automated ticket sales terminal without waiting for a queue. Currently, this automated terminal is installed at Tashkent-Central Station, which in the coming days is planned to be installed at all railway stations of the Republic.
Akmal Burkhanov noted that in order to create more comfort for passengers, it is advisable to take measures to install such terminals not only on the territory of stations, but also in districts-cities, where it is convenient for citizens.
In addition, passenger feedback and suggestions were also studied in matters related to the waiting room as well as the conditions in the cars and other services.
We ask you to apply through the agency's “Call center”-1253 if you are corrupt.